Many Voices

Scripture Reading - 1 Corinthians 14:9-11 KJV

9 So likewise ye, except ye utter by the tongue words easy to be understood, how shall it be known what is spoken? for ye shall speak into the air.
10 There are, it may be, so many kinds of voices in the world, and none of them is without signification.
11 Therefore if I know not the meaning of the voice, I shall be unto him that speaketh a barbarian, and he that speaketh shall be a barbarian unto me.

We (ihlcc) are still sharing on the subject of hearing “a voice” and discerning the source of the “voice”. In a prior lesson we spoke about recognizing “A Shift” in the tone and/or rate of words coming from the voice of the speaker to discern exactly when God is speaking. In another lesson we highlighted “The Voice” of God which is the voice of God’s Word. Since we know that His Voice is upholding all things by the Word of His Power it is critical that we hearken (listen and obey) unto God’s Voice. We also taught on “Your Voice” revealing two things. The first was that God learns about you from hearing your voice and the second is the truth that your voice is your authority in this earth. We also mentioned “the voice of reason” which contrasted the difference between carnal reasoning and godly reasoning according to God’s Word. Just remember spiritual reasoning according to God’s Word trumps carnal (natural, earthly) reasoning every time. Today we will discuss today’s reference scripture to reveal at least three things. Starting in verse 9 notice that we should speak words that are easy to understand by the listener. This means that you must know your audience before you start speaking. Yes, we mean know all your audience whether that is one person or thousands of people. It is very true that people understand their own language very well which does not guarantee that they will understand your language at all. We are not just speaking about people who speak a foreign language that you are not familiar with. We are talking about our neighbors and strangers whose path we cross in our everyday walk of life. For example when Angela wanted to communicate more with our children she shifted her attention to learning social media via talking with your fingers (texting instead of audible talking). She didn’t have to master all social media platforms just the ones that were pertinent for her communication with her children. This is wisdom and with some reservation and training she has even helped me to get my feet wet in the social media ocean. This is biblical and very important because communicating is necessary for fellowship and understanding. As this is true in the natural with our family how much more is it true spiritually with your Heavenly Father because if you don’t understand God’s Word how could you be certain God is talking to you. Yes, the Good Lord is loving and gentle and kind but you must learn this about Him to understand His Voice. The second issue we desire to discuss is that there are “many kinds of voices” in the earth today and all those voices have intent. Yes, man has a singular voice whereas men have a plural voice. The voice of reason highlights the thinking capacity of man based upon human intellect whereas the voice of your body is sense lead and it will emphasize the feeling, sight, hearing, smelling and touch of man. The voice of your job echoes the thoughts of the company or at least the people directly over you. If you are wise you will be able to recognize the significance of each voice and place it in the proper category to know how you should respond or if it is worthy of a response from you at all. Yes, first knowing that “many voices” are in the world is just the start because the truth is, “among the crowded listening gates of men comes the Voice of One which is the Voice of God. Remember even at the Cross of Christ “the voice of many” drowned out the truth that this was (and still is) an innocent man (a just man), spoken by the Governor of the land (Pilate).-Refer to Matthew 27:19-24 It is crucial that you know the majority of information you receive in your hearing is ungodly. Therefore you must categorize who’s who to respond both confidently and correctly. Listening to an exaggeration from man is one thing whereas listening to a lie from the devil (the deceiver) is quite different. Better yet, listening and understanding sound/solid counsel from God’s Word is all together enlightening and inspiring. The point is every voice has a source and natural things speak a natural voice as opposed to spiritual beings speak their inward voice. Yes, we hear both outwardly through our physical ear and inwardly through our heart. The godly voice of God’s Word should be given first priority by taking the time necessary to renew your mind with His Words, His Principles and His Precepts, then proper attention given to those important people in your life. Yes, we (ihlcc) must also mention you must even answer the devil when you know he is the source of fear, accusation and trouble. We don’t encourage speaking with him (the devil or his demons or ungodly wicked men) much but we do fight evil thoughts with Godly (God Ordained, anointed) Promises (His Word) spoken out loud to exercise the authority of your voice. Thirdly, according to verse 11 if we don’t know the meaning of the voice it is not God’s Will. This is a very simple principle but to practice this in your everyday life is profound. We (ihlcc) have listened to so many people that question whether or not some word they heard in their heart is from God or not. We ask them what did the word mean so we can align it with the scriptures and remarkably they don’t know. Many think that God is so high and lofty that we will not be able to understand Him when He speaks to us but that is not true. God sent prophets to speak to His People and they understood the words of the prophets. Likewise our own Loving Heavenly Father sent His Beloved Son to speak unto children, teenagers, adults and all mankind in a love language they could easily understand. Jesus spoke to both sinner and saint to clarify the Love of God for all mankind. Yes, you must understand what is being shared with you to benefit from it and if you don’t understand it know for certain it is not God talking to you because the Lord God is very clear and concise when getting His Message to you, The Lord has given us a Holy Bible for further clarification and instruction into Himself and His Ways. The Lord doesn’t need to use big fancy words to communicate His Message of love and righteousness and peace for sure all He needs is a listening (open) ear. So utter easy words (clear and concise) to the people you communicate with to strengthen your relationship and fellowship with them through better understanding. Likewise, please realize that the “many voices” in the world are designed to lead you astray from God’s Perfect Will for your life but the single, right, holy and sanctified voice of One, (that One being God) will always lead you into a bright and better future. When you clearly know this voice of truth and righteousness you will be able to walk the straight and narrow path of God. Those who are unfamiliar with God’s Word (God’s Voice) are classified (categorized) as unlearned and unreliable because the unlearned of God are foolish and unprepared to meet the Lord at His Coming. However, we know much better things await the True Disciple of Jesus because we do understand His Voice and we are ready for His Second Coming and we do pray easy to understand Word’s of God back unto our Heavenly Father in Jesus Name and He answers us according to His Words which we now claim as our words. Amen!